We returned to Goodhope in early May from our days with the McGees to face the biggest challenges yet, and knew that it was time to make a decision about our Peace Corps service. After several meetings with our school administration, Peace Corps and the Botswana Ministry of Education representatives, we came to the realization that we could not be sufficiently effective in our Life Skills assignment at Goodhope Senior Secondary to justify continuing our work there. With great sadness, we made the decision to conclude our service. This will be our final three-part blog posting from Africa and will capture first, who and then, what we have loved --- will most miss about Botswana and the amazing experience we have been blessed to have in this country for the past 9 months.
Recovery meetings started
at the Goodhope Primary Hospital |
Our amazing counselling staff |
Students who issued the newspaper |
Singing with our neighbor children |
Career and job counseling students |
Wonderful yield from our garden |
Recovery meetings at Tsheida Institute |
Inspiring young friends Alpha and Grace |
Bots11 men PCVS |
Bots11 women PCVS |
Our dear friends and neighbors
Sush, Sanjib and Drita |
We will miss you all so much......
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